Bill vs. Karl

Bill and Karl have been friends for over a decade.  They are on the same softball team, frequent each other’s houses for parties. Like their lovers, they play tennis and golf several times a month. Their wrestling record against One another (monthly meetings & couples series) is: Karl leads the series with Bill 17 wins and 9 Losses over the last 6 years.

Phil calls Bill and Karl to the Zone. Phil signals for Lee to ring the bell. They approach to lock up. Bill feints the lockup and trips Karl .He falls on his ass and Bill applies a Step-Over Toe Hold; flips Karl to his stomach and turns the hold into a Single Leg Boston Crab. Karl trips Bill with his free

leg causing Bill to release the hold. They both quickly get to their feet and begin again. Karl throws a punch, which Bill deflects and counters, with a punch to Karl’s Kidney. Karl drops to one knee. Bill catches Karl with a knee to the middle of the back. This knocks the wind out of Karl as his face hits the mat. He flops around on the mat trying to get his breath back. Bill picks up a leg and kicks him in the balls. Karl lets out a scream and curls up from the pain. As Bill reaches down to pull Karl to his feet, Karl flips him across the mat with a Judo Toss. Bill lands on his neck and rolls to his back temporarily stunned. This gives Karl time to recover and he cautiously approaches Bill. Bill is on all fours trying to get to his feet. Karl kicks him in the ribs flipping him to his back. Bill reacts and curls up into a ball. Karl grabs his head and slams it three times into the mat. Bill has a

vacant stare as Karl pulls him to his feet without any resistance. In desperation, Bill again connects with an uppercut to Karl’s balls. Karl releases Bill and they both falls to the mat. Karl struggles to fight through the pain and Bill struggles to clear the “fog ” from his head. Bill makes it to his feet first and grabs Karl’s ankles and flips him to his stomach and applies a Boston Crab. Karl shouts out in pain. Bill sits down hard which further tortures Karl’s lower back. Karl is beating the mat out of pain and frustration. Phil asks Karl if he has had enough. Karl shouts,”NO! ” After several minutes of enduring this agony; Karl has repositioned himself to trip Bill. Bill falls on his butt and Karl rolls away. Bill quickly gets to his feet and charges. Karl kicks at a charging Bill and catches him in the chest. This knocks the wind out of Bill .He lies flat on his back trying to regain his breath. Karl slams Bill’s head into the mat several times, which causes the “fog ” to descend once again over Bill’s cognitive skills and reaction time. Karl pulls Bill to his feet by his hair and executes a Belly-to-Belly Suplex; knocking any air Bill’s lungs had left in them. Bill is struggling to

get any air into his oxygen-starved lungs. Phil tells Karl to back off so he can count;”1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 ” Bill breaks the count. Karl picks him up in a Gorilla Press and slams him to the mat. Bill’s back severely arches from the impact. Karl picks him up twice more and repeats the slam. He is barely conscious, moaning from the pain that permeates his body. Karl decides to strip him .He removes the shoes first then seductively removes the thong. Bill is naked; barely moving with a full erection and moaning from the punishment he has received. Karl picks him up and applies a Flying Full Nelson, which elicits loud screams from Bill. Bill is crying to be released but refuses to submit when asked by Phil. He runs Bill; face first, into the matted wall. Phil tells Karl to release the hold so he can count. Bill drops like a bag of potatoes to the mat crying and semi -conscious .Phi; counts,” 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17″ Bill breaks the count. Karl picks him up and Power Slams him. Karl is in the process of Power Slamming Bill again when he screams out his submission. Phil steps in and tells Karl to put Bill down. He sets him down and Bill falls to the mat. Phil announces for the camera, ” THE WINNER IN 19 MINUTES AND 57 SECONDS BY SUBMISSION IS – KARL.”

Karl says,” I already have your clothes. Face the camera; get on your knees and Jack-off – NOW! ” Bill is crying from the humiliation as he masturbates and reaches climax. The cum lands in a sizeable pool. Karl commands Bill to clean the mat with your tongue and drink EVERY drop. Bill dutifully complies. Karl straps the collar to Bill’s Penis and a leash to the collar.

Both couples had brought their “preferred ” devices to use during the Penalty Period.

Lee goes the guest bedrooms, which will double as ” Punishment Rooms” to place the winner’s devices in a convenient place for use. The winner’s of the first round are: Ambros and Karl.

Lee gives the Phil the signal that the rooms are ready. Phil instructs Lee to lead Ambros to their room. He then instructs Karl to lead Bill to their room. The wrestlers go to their rooms to live the old saying; “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.”


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