Sam destroys another man in the ring

Sam destroys another man in the ring

Note: I add the POV for each character, because may be a little confuse to read constantly the changes.

Challenger’s POV

The fight had lasted for 30 seconds. A fight is where both sides can attack and have a chance of winning. My chances of winning had ended as soon as Sam’s first paralyzing kick had crashed into my head. What ensued thereafter was a two-hour session of punishment, humiliation, and degradation at the hands of the mighty warrior that left me here in the hospital for the past three weeks. The entire nightmare has played itself over and over again in my mind as my broken body has slowly began to recover. The crucial part, that first terrible kick, is always in agonizingly slow motion.

The bell rang and we began to circle each other. I was amazed at the muscularity of my adversary. I had seen tapes of his matches, and had seen how he effortlessly slaughtered big men; but tapes did not do him justice. He had to be seen in person to be believed. He had an aura of invincibility about him that can’t be described in words. And that body! His muscles were simply astounding in their size, thickness, and definition. This young man was built to destroy men. I was bigger, I was havier, but his physique was just incredible. He had a cruel hint of a smile on his gorgeous face as he saw the effect that his amazing physique had on me. “I’m stronger and rougher than I look baby, lots stronger and a lot rougher!”  I tried to take advantage of him as he spoke. I moved into him and threw a right cross at his face.

Now the slow motion kicked in. Ducking under my blow, the now smiling warrior launched his round kick toward my head. Stepping forward, his huge thighs bulged with power. His muscular waist twisted, to add force to the blow. Sam’s rock-hard abdominals rippled with steely strength as he turned to get his whole body behind his kick. As his foot came closer, I could see the incredible striations of his massive calf and his thight muscles adding their brawn to his kick. His big, beautiful hanging balls bounced over his steel supporting leg. I tried to avoid the foot but his one kick had made a mockery of my supposed bigger fighter superiority. All those years of work to build myself up had been shattered by one blow from the powerful young stud. His awesome strength had easily bested me. I screamed in agony as terrible pain from the muscle stud’s brutal blow erupted inside of my head. I dropped to the mat, helpless, as the excruciating pain engulfed my entire being.

He was a big, heavily muscled man. About six-six and two fifty. A typical big prick. He walked around the ring, flexing and preening for the crowd. I was going to hurt this asshole real bad and real quick! I was feeling particularly nasty that day. I decided that I was going to give him a specially large dose of agony.

I dropped my robe to the mat just as the bell rang. We began to circle. He had a look of awe on his face as he got his first look at my body. No matter how many times it happens, I always get a charge out this first glance. These big macho men, so arrogant and cocky; until they see my big muscles up close! I said something smartass to him. I’ll give him credit though. While I was talking, he tried to take advantage of a perceived opening by throwing a strong looking right cross at my head. He was real slow however, and I ducked under it easily. Now it was my turn! I turned on myself to shot a round kick directly into his head. It was about 60% of my full power. Even as it landed, I knew that I had hit him too hard. My foot tore through his head. I wanted to hurt him badly but, not so bad that he was out of commission. He dropped like a rock, wailing in agony. The 250 pound man rolled and flopped painfully around on the mat from the effect of my devastating kick. Wow! What a great shot!

Sam stood above me, his smashing muscles bulging cruelly. The sadistic teen laughed in my face as I agonizingly writhed below him. “Not too tough, are you? I’ll wait a bit until you recover. I want you to fully appreciate what is to come.”  I laid there for at least two minutes as unending waves of pain rolled through me. The pain was so intense that I was unaware of Sam stripping me naked; not that I could have done anything about it. I could hear the cheers of the men in the audience for their hero as he swaggered around the ring tearing my shorts to shreds with his bare hands. He ripped my metal cup off and crushed it with one hand. Finally, tired of waiting, the teen gladiator returned. He effortlessly scooped up my 250 pound body and propped me against a turnbuckle with my arms draped over the top ropes. My breath came in shallow rasping gasps. My gaze was blank from the still agonizing pain. He backhanded me in the face. The force of his slap was incredible. The side of my face exploded in pain. As I cried out, he forehanded my other cheek. Another bomb went off. His slaps brought me to painful awareness. I looked down at my tormentor through tear filled eyes. Big thrusting balls and huge bulging muscles filled my vision. I was petrified with fear and he knew it. “What’s wrong man? One little punch and you give out? Afraid of a little boy? Not as afraid as you will be. Not as hurt either. I’m going to torture you, shithead! You’re going to wish for death before I’m through.  Fight me if you can. It won’t matter though. I’m going to take your big body and turn it into mush!”

I put my hand on his shoulder. It felt like a ball of steel under his sun bronzed skin. “Oh God!….Please don’t!” I whimpered. Smiling cruelly, the warrior grabbed my wrist with a grip like a bear trap and slowly, ever so slowly, gave me a guided tour of his muscles. His thick pectorals felt like armor plate under my trembling fingers. he moved my hand down to his abdomen. Each ridge of her stomach was like a steel cable. “Nice, huh? Thick, hard, and powerful; aren’t they? They’re even more impressive when I really flex!” He whispered saucily. I was shaking in terror. The sight of his astounding body was one thing.  The overwhelming pain from his punch was still with me. But, the feel of the young teen’s massive musculature was what really terrified me! Hard beyond description, Sam’s muscles filled me with mortal dread. His 185 stud pounds versus my 250. I knew that I had no chance! Moving my hand slowly up the V of his side, he flexed his lats. The muscles of his side pumped up awesomely under my fingers. “I like lat pull downs. I do four sets of twenty reps with 300 pounds as a warm up. Then I get serious!” I began to cry pitifully.  Partially from the pain of his grip, but mostly from humiliation. He was so strong. So terribly strong! So much stronger than I could ever hope to be, even with my 80 pound weight advantage. “Now, for my favorite part!” he whispered huskily. Sam then very slowly flexed his right arm. Right before my eyes, the monstrous muscles of his arm grew into huge, mountainous, balls of granite power. He pushed his arm into my face. My tears flooded onto his huge biceps. Pulling his arm back, Sam put my hand on his arm.

I quaked uncontrollably in overwhelming fear as he moved my hand over his arm. I could feel my wetness on his skin.  “Nineteen inches, limpdick! Nineteen inches of unadulterated man killing power! Can you curl 300 pounds? I can,…easily!” Sam slowly straightened his arm and then flexed it again. I could feel his biceps changing shape as he unbent and then rebent his incredible arm. “Oh my God!” I cried out involuntarily, as the fear and humiliation overwhelmed me. I sobbed in great wracking breaths as the mighty young stud proved his total muscular superiority to me. “I can kill any man alive with my arms. I might prove it with you!” Laughing in glee while reflexing his arm, I could feel each bump and striation of Sam’s titanium biceps as they again grew huge beneath my fingers. Moving my hand across his steely chest again, then down, the young stud placed my hand directly on his hard, big bull balls. Suddenly, Sam squeezed my wrist viciously. He kept my hand firmly on his nipples as I sank to my knees in front of him, screaming. My cries of pain inflamed the men in the crowd.  They began to stomp and chant, wanting Sam to punish me. “They want pain. Your pain…..So do I!” My descent into hell began.

Sam’s POV

I stood above him, enjoying the results of my work. I had never hit a man that hard before. I had never had an opponent that could take a kick that powerful. As it turned out, he looked a lot stronger than he really was.  Even though I hit him harder than I should have, it was a wonderful feeling seeing the anguish on him! He was in real pain. His sweat covered face was a pasty white. His eyes were blank, as the pain overrode all of his senses. His stomach muscles were grotesquely caved I liked that, a lot! I was however, getting tired of doing nothing while he flopped around. So, I stripped him naked and strode around the ring tearing his shorts into ribbons. I crushed his metal cup in a foretaste of what was coming to him. My male fans loved it! So did I.

After a bit, he began to regain some of his senses. He would now be able to appreciate what came next. I lifted him to his feet and propped him in a corner. He was awkward to lift, being so big. His 250 pounds was no problem, of course. He was still not fully awake, so I slapped him softly a couple of times. His eyes finally came into focus. Seeing my bare, muscle-bound chest and arms caused his face to contort in fright. Fear of my body! It’s a tremendous rush when these big limpdicks look at my bulging muscles and breasts and, with good reason, start shaking like a puppy! I was flipping him my usual lines to increase his fear when he reached over and put his hand on my shoulder. Before he could say much,

I grabbed his wrist and gave it a friendly squeeze. I grinned as his face contorted in pain. Then I slowly moved his fingers around my body, so he could feel my power first hand, so to speak. He was petrified in fear as he felt my true strength. I could see his manly ego dissolve as his captured hand roamed over each of my muscle groups. He knew that he was no match for my male power. He was quivering in fright as the realization of his true weakness penetrated his psyche. The more fear and humiliation he felt, the more he began to babble and beg. I finally placed his hand on my big balls, making his humiliation complete. Then I added even more by squeezing his wrist viciously. Again, the naked, weakling man fell before me to the mat crying piteously. It was now time for some real fun!

Challenger’s POV

Still holding my hand against his firm, low hanging, orange sized balls, Sam increased the pressure of his grip.  Indescribable pain engulfed me. “Yiieeeoooww……Jesus….Please..Oh no!” I cried. I looked up at him, begging him to stop. I could see my hand still pushed against his oversized balls. Sam’s forearm muscles rippled with strength as he unmercifully crushed my wrist. He peered down at me with a cruel grin on his face. “Stop it!…Stop it, please!..It hurts! Oh God, it hurts!” I wailed. “Cry big man. I like it when men cry in pain!”  I had to stop him! I had no feeling left in my hand. his viselike grip was crushing my wrist bone. In a frenzied effort to stop the teen stud, I drove my other fist into his abdomen with all the force that I could muster. I screamed like a Banshee as my knuckles broke when they impacted the teen’s washboard stomach. My blow affected him not one bit! Through my pain, I could hear him and the crowd of men laughing at me. In a blind fury I smashed my broken hand into his iron gut time after time. He laughingly absorbed my blows with disdain. I couldn’t penetrate the armor of his muscles. My fury spent, my head collapsed against Sam’s steel stomach as he dominantly stood above me. Sam released his grip on my wrist. I sank to the mat in pain and humiliation. Grabbing my hair, the stud muscle boy roughly pulled my head up so the crowd could see my tear stained face. “Look at the big tough man! Crying like a baby! Cowering in front of a boy. Not so macho now, is he gentlemen?” They erupted in cheers. “Shall I stop? Or do you want me to really punish him?”  HURT HIM…HURT HIM…HURT HIM! They screamed wildly. Listening to his fans, the cruel fighter continued his torture.

Sam’s POV

I kept his hand on my balls as he sank to the mat. I squeezed him slightly harder and he responded well by screaming incoherently. In desperation, he punched me in the stomach. I saw it coming and tightened my abdominals. His knuckles broke audibly as they made contact with my iron abs. I laughed at his weakness and he blindly punched me several more times with his ruined hand. He finally collapsed against the muscles that his feeble blows could not hurt. I degraded him in front of the crowd and asked if they wanted more. Of course, they did. So I happily obliged.

Challenger’s POV

Sam stood above me and flexed his huge arms. The sight of his bulging biceps, steel abdomen, and big breasts filled me with mortal dread! With a cruel grin on his face, he reached for me. Lifting me easily above him, Sam threw me down with a pile-driving body slam. The air whooshed forcefully out of my lungs as my back slammed onto the mat. A new torrent of pain engulfed me from the trauma of my collision with the unyielding mat. I was making a futile effort to get some air into my lungs when the muscular stud again lifted me. He repeated his bone crushing slam once again. This time with even more force! He slammed me so hard that I actually bounced. I could feel my innards agonizingly scramble from the violent concussion. I couldn’t scream because I had no air. Sam loomed above me, his mighty muscles glistening. I watched helplessly as he reached down and lifted me for the third time. Another vicious slam followed. Then a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth. Each ferocious impact concussing my damaged body further. After the sixth one he stopped. The sadistic young fighter had measured me, knowing how much punishment to administer before backing off. He wanted me awake to feel even more agony. I lay still, unable to move. He had inflicted terrible punishment on me and I knew that there was much more to come!

Sam’s POV

What a pathetic sight! The big muscleman whimpering like a baby. I decided that I would give him some real reasons to cry! He looked up at me, tears and fears on his face. I flexed my big arms menacingly. His fear level increased tenfold. Perfect! I reached down and grabbed him under his chin and around his upper thigh. I lifted his 250 pound bulk over my head and slammed him to the mat. He hit with a satisfying thud and groaned as the air was expelled from his lungs. I repeated the slams five more times. The shattering impacts were having marvelous results. He was badly damaged. He had lost control of his arms and legs. Blood flowed from his mouth from internal injury. His eyes had glazed over from the trauma of the repeated shocks to his system.  I stopped after six repetitions. He was softened up sufficiently now so that he would pose absolutely no threat to me. Not that he was much of a threat to start with!

Challenger’s POV

I came back to reality finding myself sitting in a corner of the ring, head down, with my back against the ropes. I could see blood on the mat and taste it in my mouth. I hurt terribly from head to toe. I knew that I couldn’t stand any more punishment. The powerfull young man had torn me up with ease. I looked up and saw him standing in the opposite corner. The smiling warrior began to walk very slowly toward me. My heart jumped into my throat. My chest constricted in paralyzing fear. My terror struck eyes were glued to his hugely muscled thighs as they bunched awesomely with every step. Monstrous slabs of deadly muscle constricted and relaxed as the hunter relentlessly approached. “Please Sam!..Please don’t hurt me again!… I can’t take anymore!” I begged pathetically. “Fucking wimp!” He spat. “I’m going to tear you to pieces with my bare hands!” I began to sidle away from him, sliding my butt along the mat. Sam followed me, those killer thighs exploding with unreal power, but did not try to catch me. He was content to watch a 250 lb. grown man grovel below his muscle- bound frame. “Crawl you weak pathetic man! Crawl away from the powerfull…mean…boy!”

Sam’s POV

I watched him, transfixed in terror, as his tremendous arm muscles erupted beneath his tawny skin into great mountains of lethal power. “Oh God, please? Someone help me! Please help me!” I cried. The crowd of men began to hoot and laugh as I degraded myself totally. “There’s nobody else here but me, baby. And believe me, I’m not here to save you. Quite the opposite!” Sam then reached down and roughly pulled me to my feet. I towered over him, shaking in mortal fear of his strength. Pushing his big chest up against me, Sam cooed: “I’m going to punish you very badly now. I’m going to tear that big body of yours to bits!” Grabbing my throat with a grip of steel, the vicious young man began to choke the life out of me. I grasped his arm with both of my hands and tried to pull it away but, to no avail. He had weakened me so much that his one arm was too powerful for both of mine. I slipped to my knees before him. He held his fearsome grip for at least a minute, choking me relentlessly.

I dumped him in a corner. He finally began to stir some time later. I began to slowly saunter toward him. I could see his eyes riveted on my thighs, so I tensed them with each step. He began to whimper and cry as I approached. That made me feel great seeing the big muscleman cringing in fear of my strength! He tried to edge away from me on his butt; all the while whining like a baby. I followed him, savoring my feeling of total muscular dominance over the big man. I was also degrading him verbally to humiliate him further. I then flexed my spectacular arm muscles to bulge hugely in front of him. I could see his fear level double as my arms flexed. It was almost orgasmic for me! I lifted the coward to his feet and pushed my hard muscled chest against his huge, quivering frame. I told him that I was going to destroy him. I got a good response as he degraded himself even more. To prove my dominance, I choked him out for about a minute.  He was in fear for his very life. I fed off his fear, loving every second of it.

My one punch and six body slams had damaged him severely. He was not nearly as tough as he had looked. His big body was in very bad shape. I decided to change tactics and concentrate on pain infliction only. I would not damage him further for a while. I would only cause him intense, prolonged pain. In a variety of ways!

Challenger’s POV

He finally released me. As I was concentrating on getting air into my lungs, Sam effortlessly lifted me onto his broad shoulders. He grabbed me by the neck and upper leg and pulled down viciously. I screamed in terror and anguish as the effects of his back breaker immediately took hold. His thick, muscular shoulders felt like steel beneath me as his phenomenal arm strength bowed my back. The cruel warrior held me there for what seemed like an eternity. My wails of pain telling him just how far to go without snapping my spine. Once he got me to the point of maximum pain, he held me there for an interminable time. Sam paraded my naked body around the ring to the vast delight of the men. I was in so much pain and he was so incredibly strong that I was absolutely helpless! The agony of his hold was so terrible that I screamed, begged, pleaded, and cried the entire time. I could hear him laughing in delight as he sadistically relished my plight. “This is real strength, wimp! I have the muscle power in my arms to end your life right now! I won’t though. I like hearing your pathetic begging! Cry you asshole! Cry in fear of my power!” The muscle youn man chided. Sam continued the terrible punishment as he kept up a nonstop torrent of verbal abuse. He was powerful and cruel beyond description. Sam used his cruel power to continue the terrible punishment. Nothing existed for me but the pain, the horrendous unending pain! Only after my cries had died down from sheer exhaustion, did the young stud relent and drop me to the mat. I lay on my back unmoving. Sam stood above me, sweat glistening on his muscle-bound frame. He had held my 250 pounds aloft and had exerted unimaginable pressure on my back for at least twenty minutes and he was not even winded! The blond stud flexed his titanic arms an said: “Don’t go away sweetie! I still want to play with you some more!” I was too hurt and weak to even cry.

Sam’s POV

I grabbed his arm and lifted him onto my shoulders and positioned him for a back breaker. I love this hold.  With my raw arm strength, I’m able to inflict massive amounts of pain on a man for as long as I want. No man has ever been able to withstand the agony that I can exert with this hold. Once in place, it’s unbreakable.  It’s a total domination hold. Perfect for torture. He began to scream as soon as I applied it. A little experimentation with angles and pressures led to the perfect combination. He soon became incoherent as the pain overwhelmed his system. I was in ecstasy as his anguish multiplied. I could feel his spine bending and stretching through my shoulders. I walked him around the ring so everybody could see his plight. Several flash pictures were taken. They would get great shots of my muscles dominating the huge man! After about twenty minutes he had completely given out. His wails had almost ceased. He was so hurt and exhausted that he could only whimper pitifully. I reluctantly dropped him to the mat. I flexed dominantly above him. There was much more pain to give.

Challenger’s POV

I was beyond pain. Beyond agony. The muscular young stud had hurt me beyond description. I lay on the mat unable to move because of the horrendous pain that engulfed my entire being. Suddenly, Sam loomed above me. He kicked my legs apart and stood between them, hands on hips. He put his bare foot in my crotch and pressed. I groaned weakly from the new pain. “What’s the matter, limpdick. Didn’t you like your little piggyback ride? Didn’t it last long enough?” I hurt so much that I could only stare at the chiseled musculature of his stomach and cry.  “Boy, you really are a limpdick.” He said cruelly, as he pressed his foot harder on my vitals. ” What a fucking wimp!” Sam spat. He removed his foot and moved out of my sight. The next thing I felt was Sam lifting me to a sitting position. He placed his knee against my back, grabbed my chin with both of his hands, and viciously pulled my head back.

New, excruciating pain, erupted in my neck. I could only make puny gurgling sounds of protest as the astoundingly strong warrior’s hands held my mouth shut. The back of my head was on his granite hard thigh. I could see a smile on his innocently beautiful face while he threatened to snap my neck with his powerful muscles. I pawed at his hands with my own in a futile effort to ease my plight. Sam responded by pulling back even harder. My hands dropped to my sides. He bent over and rubbed his big breasts across my face. “You’re mine, man! This teen’s muscles own you! I built this body so I could hurt other men. And how I like to hurt men with my muscles! Each weight I lift, …every time, … every day; I think of how by getting stronger, I can hurt more men more! You can feel the results of my work. Can’t you? You know I can snap your neck like a match stick, you macho prick! One punch floored you and made you cry like a baby. I threw your chickenshit body all over the ring. I lifted you with ease and almost broke your back. You’re weak, and I’m strong. And I’m going to use my strength to punish you for being weak.!”

My mind was white with pain as the merciless blond stud kept his word. He kept me in pure agony with heismuscles. Never relenting, never tiring, Sam held me in that killing neck breaker for at least twenty minutes. I could feel his hard nipple on my lips when I proved my weakness and passed out.

Sam’s POV

He was really in bad shape now. My backbreaker had hurt him terribly. He lay naked and inert below me; where all men I beat belong. I stepped between his legs and buried my foot in his crotch. He had a nice cock and a wonderfull muscled ass. I resolved to visit this one after he recovered. I ground his balls a bit to get his attention. He looked up at me with raw terror written all over his face. I was ecstatic! I flipped him some shit to humiliate him further. He was totally defeated, physically and emotionally. I wasn’t satisfied yet though. He had been no challenge to me, and that pissed me off! He was supposed to be so tough. But, he had folded up after one measly punch!

I got behind him, got down on one knee, sat him up, and applied a neck breaker What a glorious feeling! The giant man was helpless to stop me from doing anything that I wanted to do to him. My male strength had again proved superior. His big male muscles and size had failed him utterly! I bent over him and peered into his face. His eyes were blank from the pain that I was causing him. It must have been a great picture. The huge man being totally dominated by a teenager! The massive muscles of his arms and chest lay useless and still from the pain that I had inflicted upon him. His head lay on my thigh. My arms bulged with power as I pulled his head back. My bust pushed in his face while he helplessly absorbed the agony I was subjecting him to. His system finally gave way and he passed out.

I let him lay for a few minutes while I paraded around the ring, flexing my body. My male fans loved it. Either way, I loved it!  I splashed some water in his face and slapped him a few times to bring him around. I still wasn’t done. He had more pain to feel before I finished him off!

Challenger’s POV

I awoke in more pain than could be imagined. My agony was so great that I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings. Sam grabbed my hair and lifted my head off the mat. “Wake up sleepyhead!” he said brightly. “It’s play time again!” A new wave of terror engulfed me. I couldn’t take any more pain. He had to stop!  “No..Please!” I begged weakly. “Mercy…Oh God!..Mercy.”  Laughing delightedly, the young stud pressed my face against his calf. I could feel the hardness of his thick, diamond shaped calf muscles. “I have no mercy, sweetheart! I like hurting men too much.” He kept lifting my head higher up his leg. My face was now against the base of his thigh. I felt the steel hard bulges of his lower quadriceps. To ease the pain on my head, I grabbed hold of his thighs. I couldn’t dent his huge muscle bound legs with my grip. He could see me shaking in fear as I felt the awesome strength of his legs. “Like em sweetie? I bet that you would just love it if I wrapped them around your manly body and squeezed real hard!” Sam cooed. “ no!” I whimpered. The sadistic warrior then rammed my face into his hairy blond crotch.

Sam’s POV

He then treated the audience to a grotesque parody of oral sex, grinding me against his incredible fat and long prick for at least five minutes. I was helpless to stop the young muscle teen’s humiliation of me. He finally pulled me to my knees. My face was level with his impenetrable abdomen. “You’re real pretty, big guy! Too pretty!” He began to grind my face against the steel cords of his undulating stomach muscles with his powerful hands. Tears and blood flowed down to his crotch as the beautiful young man looked down and watched my face erode away.

I gave him a tour of my leg as I lifted him to his knees. He began babbling again as the helplessness of his situation became apparent. I pulled his face against my crotch and ground him around for a while. His humiliation made the pleasure even better. Taking his head in my hands, I ground his handsome face against my stomach. I orgasmed as his facial features disintegrated. I was glad that Paul had a three young men team taping the match. This one was special! I dropped him to the mat for the last time. My stomach was covered with his blood. I stood above my unmoving victim and flexed in victory to the thunderous cheers of my fans.



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